
瓢虫是益虫还是害虫 ?

Hello, kids. I am your teacher today. Do you know ladybugs? They are fascinating creatures that are cute and beautiful. But I will ask you a question about them: Are ladybugs good or bad? You might not know the answer to this, so I will give you the answer. The answer is that the ladybugs are both good and bad. Well, you might wonder, why? First, there are many kinds of ladybugs. In fact, they are over 5000 kinds of them in the whole wide world, and there are five hundred and thirty kinds of them in China. According to their eating habits, they can be divided into three parts: the first part eats meat, the second part eats plants, the third part eats bacteria. Among them, the meat-eating ladybugs that eat aphids are good bugs. The plant eating ladybugs that eat leaves are bad bugs. The bacteria eating ladybugs that eat white powder germs are good bugs. Seven spotted ladybugs, six spotted lady bugs, the big turtle ladybugs and so on are commonly seen to be good ladybugs. While the ten spotted ladybugs, the twenty-eight spotted ladybugs, potato ladybugs are commonly known as bad bugs. So, you probably know the answer to the question now. What do you think?