

Does morning glory only blossom in the morning?

每天早上,我在上学路上,总看见一种花在围墙上生长-牵牛花。牵牛花爬上篱笆,在白天吹起了小喇叭,看上去就像一个有趣的小型乐队。 是的,牵牛花是白天开花的植物,而且是清晨就开花,中午就凋谢了。 一个原因是,早上的温度适宜开花。另一个原因是它需要蝴蝶和蜜蜂授粉,而蝴蝶和蜜蜂都是在早上活动的。 我非常喜欢牵牛花,你喜欢它们吗?

Every morning, on my way to school, I always see a kind of flower growing on the wall. It is called morning glory. They climb up the fence and brow the trumpet in the daytime as a small band playing for fun. The morning glories are actually day-blooming plants. They blossom in the early morning and wither at noon, because the temperature in the morning is more suitable for their blossoms. Butterflies and bees also work in the morning to fertilize their flowers. I like morning glory a lot. What about you?